Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ergonomics in Canadian Workplaces "The Latest Regulations"
In many provinces and even federally, Canadians have Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations that include provisions for the prevention of soft tissue injuries, also referred to as musculoskeletal injuries (MSI) or musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
Ergonomics, or human factors, is a broad field involving issues of safe and effective human interaction with the design and use of all aspects of the work environment including systems, organizations, equipment and tasks. As a result, it is difficult to create a comprehensive “ergonomics regulation.” In addition, application of ergonomics principles in physical, cognitive and design areas are more likely to take place in standards, guidelines and best practices documents within and outside of the OHS arena, depending on how ergonomics is being applied.
Currently, it is primarily physical ergonomics principles that are used in OHS regulations to prevent the onset of MSI in workplaces through regulating how physical work, such as lifting, standing and sitting, among others, can be accomplished.
Systems designed in the absence of ergonomics or consideration of human limitations and tendencies can result in human error.
Therefore, in addition to enforcing MSI prevention, it may be valuable for governments and other agencies, such as standard-setting groups and worker/employer representative associations, to consider the prevention of “human error” through accident investigation techniques or in the form of worker involvement in the design of systems and work organization of tasks (for example, participatory ergonomics).
A brief summary of current provincial ergonomics-related regulations is provided in Table 1. Note that regulations may be under review and are subject to change.
Federally, the Canada Labour Code II makes reference to Ergonomics regulations, which were passed federally late in 2007.
These amendments to the Hazard Prevention Program require federal employers to incorporate prevention of ergonomics-related hazards in the program. This includes hazard identification, assessment, developing preventive measures and employee education on ergonomics. Visit the following website:
Linda Sagmeister is an Ergonomist with the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador.
Taken From
Thursday, July 24, 2008
How Does Overtime Impact Workers?
But is it a wise decision?
Although management may view overtime as a temporary solution, it often becomes a standard way of managing work demands. In many instances, the extended overtime hours approach the same hours worked in a 12-hour shift system; however, the use of overtime is applied with little consideration to its consequences.
The health effects of extended work hours are well documented and include:
• Increased risk for cardiovascular disease
• Sleep disorders
• Depression
• Ulcers
• Gastrointestinal dysfunction and disorders
• Breast cancer
• Complications of existing medical conditions such as diabetes and epilepsy
In addition to these health effects, working overtime:
• Reduces the amount of quality time to spend with family members and meet family care demands, leading to increased levels of stress, irritability, and feelings of isolation.
• Increases the risk of substance abuse as workers resort to caffeine, stimulants, and tobacco to stay awake and alcohol and depressant drugs to fall asleep.
• Increases worker concern about their health and longevity.
• Increases absences for sickness and accidents.
Productivity and performance costs are often not apparent to management—but the truth is these costs can far exceed the direct costs of overtime. Just using the example of worker fatigue caused by extended hours—and resulting increased errors and accidents, decreased concentration, slower reaction time, failure to perceive and react to critical signals, impaired motor skills and coordination, decreased ability to handle stress, reduced problem-solving and decision-making abilities, and increased risk-taking behavior—reveals overtime is often not a smart solution.
Finally, and perhaps the strongest argument against extended work hours, productivity levels and work output do not increase in proportion to the hours worked. In fact, extending the workday often causes the tempo of work to slow down and the hourly output to decrease, especially in physically demanding jobs.
Taken from Issue 29, March 2004
Major Work-Related Risk Factors
Basic office activities involve sitting in front of a computer terminal and operating it by means of typing or moving a mouse. Still, no matter how harmless these activities may seem, they do set the stage for injuries that can develop over time. While these activities are not particularly hazardous for a worker who does them only occasionally, the situation becomes more critical for those who have no choice but to sit in front of a computer screen and type for long periods every working day.
It is very important to know that musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs), and specifically, repetitive motion injuries (RMIs) rarely originate from one event or a particular factor. As a rule they develop over time from a variety of factors. Some factors are strictly work-related and beyond the workers' control. On the other hand, the workers themselves can have some control on other factors, such as their individual work practices. Other things like body build, age, gender, some medical conditions, types of personality, attitudes and life style can also contribute to RMIs. No matter that such factors may be beyond any control, becoming aware of them is nevertheless important.
Work-related factors that present the greatest risk for MSIs involve:
- fixed and constrained postures that are frequently awkward, uncomfortable and maintained for too long a time,
- repetitious and forceful hand movements,
- a high pace of work,
Because the human body was designed to move, it cannot tolerate immobility for long. Merely sitting at a desk for long times can be unhealthy and damaging to the musculoskeletal system. Holding the upper body still in an upright position requires a lot of muscular effort and contributes to what is called a static load. That is the invisible but constant battle against gravity and fatigue, and injury is the price.
Both holding one's head at the optimum distance from the screen and document holder and maintaining one's arms in the proper typing position increase the static load on the whole upper body, and on the neck and shoulders in particular. The reduced blood supply that follows not only accelerates fatigue, but also leaves the musculoskeletal system susceptible to RMIs. To make matters worse, the furniture in most offices does not fit the worker either because it is not adjustable or, where it is adjustable, workers are not properly instructed on how to adjust it.
Poor posture can be a result of:
- Non-adjustable or otherwise unsuitable workstations;
- The layout of the workstation is inadequate or is not suitable for its user;
- Lack of knowledge and experience on how to set up an adjustable workstation properly according to the worker's needs (considering both body build and job tasks);
- Poor working habits that remain uncorrected;
- Unsuitable job design that requires a worker to sit uninterrupted for longer than an hour at a time; and
- Lack of proper training, resulting in a lack of awareness.
Holding the upper body still allows the upper limbs to engage in such fine hand movements used in typing and operating a mouse (categorized as dynamic load). These are common examples of repetitious and monotonous movements. Repeated hundreds or thousand of times, hour after hour, day after day, year after year, these movements strain and gradually cause "wear and tear" on the muscles and tendons in the forearms, wrists and fingers. People who do repetitive work with their bodies in fixed and static positions are even more susceptible to getting RMIs.
Discomfort, numbness and tingling are the danger signs. If these signals are ignored, pain, chronic problems and long-term disability are likely to follow. More information on the interaction between the movements made by neck, shoulders and hands is in our OSH Answers web document on Repetitive motion injuries (RMIs).
Like repetitive and unvarying movements, a high work pace is quite a common reality in the most offices, even if it happens only occasionally. Regardless, whether it is arises from periodic overload or from uneven distribution of work, a regular high speed of work contributes to the development of MSIs very strongly.
The pace of work determines how much time working muscles have for rest and recovery between movements. The faster the pace, the shorter and less productive the recovery times become. This, in turn, increases the risk for RMIs.
A person may be able to set his or her work pace and adapt to the stresses that result. However, more harmful to one's health are external factors that increase the work pace and which are beyond the person's control, such as :
- having tight or frequently changing deadlines;
- knowing your performance is being monitored by some electronic system; or
- being overloaded with work.
The result is that the worker is denied any control over the timing and the speed of work, creating the feeling of "always being in a hurry." This haste and resulting stress while working cause the body muscles to tense up which, in turns, significantly accelerates the risk for developing RMIs.
Taken from
Ergonomic Chair
Finding the right ergonomic chair is a common problem especially for people who want to purchase new equipment to make workstations safer and healthier places. There are many "ergonomic" chairs available but it can be a mistake to purchase one simply because it is labelled "ergonomic".
Ergonomic chairs are designed to suit a range of people; however, there is no guarantee that they will suit any one person in particular. For example, a chair could be too high and the arm rests too far apart for a short, slim person. In addition, chairs may not suit every task or arrangement at the workstation. A chair becomes ergonomic only when it specifically suits a worker's size (body dimensions), his or her particular workstation, and the tasks that must be performed there. It is possible to find the right chair although it is not always easy.
Ergonomic Chair
Today, in industrialized countries, many people sit for most of the time that they are awake. They sit while having breakfast, while going to work in cars or buses, in school classrooms, in meetings, in offices, during dinner, and at home while watching television. Many people also sit at work operating machines which new technology has developed to replace manual work. Although sitting requires less physical effort than standing or walking it puts a lot of stress on lumbar area. Combined effects of a sedentary lifestyle and a job that requires sitting can lead to many health problems.
The selection of a suitable chair is a critical step in preventing health problems in people who work in a sitting position. With the ergonomics approach, sitting is viewed as a specific, specialized activity which is influenced by the way that a sitting person interacts with the working environment.
Several basic concepts should be considered:
- One chair does not fit everyone. The users' body dimensions must be used when selecting a chair so that it does not strain one part of the body while fitting another.
- Collect data about the user's body height. The optimal seat height is about one quarter of the body height. This is only a rule of thumb since the torso-to-leg ratio can vary widely..
- No one chair is suitable for every activity. For example, dentists require a different chair than do industrial workers or computer operators
- Consider maintenance and repair costs. Check with the manufacturer for items to inspect for and how often inspection should be done.
Some features are mandatory for a good chair regardless of how you intend to use it:
- Adjustability - Check to see that seat height is adjustable.
- Seat height range - Check whether the seat height can be adjusted to the height recommended for the worker(s) who will use it. Other chairs may have to be selected for very short or tall workers.
- Backrest - Check to see that the backrest is adjustable both vertically and in the frontward and backward direction.
- Seat depth - Select the seats that suit the tallest and the shortest users
- Stability - Check for the stability of the chair; a five-point base is recommended.
Other features to consider
- See if the selected chair has features that will help someone do their job better. Arm rests with adjustable heights are good for computer operators. Wider or narrower arm rests may also be required depending on the worker's dimensions and tasks they do.
- See if the selected chair has features that will make doing a job more difficult. An example may be that someone may be using a chair with casters or wheels when a stable and stationary work position would be better. If chairs with casters are needed, choose ones that match the type of flooring you have (carpeting or hard floors).
Personal preference is essential to the process of selecting a chair.
- After some suitable chairs have been identified, allow the person who will use the chair most to try out the chair in a real work situation. It is especially useful to obtain several sample chairs for a trial comparison by those who will be using them.
- Make sure that the chair meets the needs of the workers and their jobs before any final selection is made.
A well-designed chair allows the user to sit in a balanced position. Buying an ergonomic chair is a good beginning but it may not bring the benefits expected. The actual sitting position depends on an individual's personal habits; he or she has to learn and practice how to sit properly.
Also, remember that the chair is only one of the components to be considered in workstation design. All the elements such as the chair, footrest (if needed), work surface, document holders, task lighting and so on need to have flexibility and adjustability to be "designed in."
Taken from
Implementing Solutions at the Shipyard Industry
The section on ergonomic solutions for shipyards describes changes to equipment, work practices, and procedures that can address ergonomics-related risk factors, help control costs, and reduce employee turnover. These changes may also increase employee productivity and efficiency because they eliminate unnecessary movements and reduce heavy manual work. OSHA recommends that employers use engineering controls, where feasible, as the preferred method of dealing with ergonomic issues in shipyards. The first set of solutions is applicable to all or most areas of the shipyard.
The recommended shipyard ergonomic solutions presented on the following pages have already been implemented in some shipyards. These solutions are not intended to cover all ergonomic challenges in shipyards, nor does OSHA expect that all of these solutions are applicable to each and every shipyard. OSHA recognizes that implementing engineering solutions may present certain challenges in the shipyard environment, which includes work that is performed outdoors and in cramped spaces. However, shipyard personnel are encouraged to use the examples in this document as a starting point for developing innovative solutions tailored to the specific ergonomic challenges in their individual shipyard. The solutions have been categorized according to the locations and jobs in which they are most frequently performed:
- Site-wide,
- Material/equipment handling,
- Tools,
- Metal work
- Shipside, and
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Task Lighting | |
Description: Positioning lights directly over a work area and/or equipment. Advantage:
Point-of-Use Tool Boards and Rigging Racks | Reduce awkward postures and fatigue |
Description: Devices that position work between the knees and shoulders and within easy reach. Advantages:
Standing Platforms | BEFORE AFTER Reduce physical exertions and awkward postures |
Description: Small platforms or benches that can be easily transported to the work area. Advantages:
Carts, Hand Trucks, Pallet Jacks | Reduce lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Wheeled devices designed to transport and carry materials. Advantages:
Drum Movers/Tilters | BEFORE AFTER Reduce lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Overhead handling system that easily lifts and tilts a heavy drum. Advantages:
Overhead Cranes | Reduce lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Overhead devices used to lift and transport heavy items. Advantages:
Jib Cranes | BEFORE AFTER Reduce lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Wall, floor, or pillar mounted I-beam with a rolling trolley/hoist used to lift and position equipment and material. Advantages:
Hoists/Balancers | BEFORE AFTER Reduce lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Portable devices used to lift and position heavy objects or tools. Advantages:
Conveyors | BEFORE AFTER Reduce lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Tabletops or work surfaces with manual or powered roller systems. Advantages:
Roller Ball Surfaces | Reduce pushing and pulling forces |
Description: Tabletops or work surfaces with roller balls. Advantages:
Moveable Containers | BEFORE AFTER Reduce manual material handling |
Description: Large containers for storing and transporting materials, tools, and equipment to where they are being used. Advantages:
Pulley System | Reduces lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: Pulleys attached to tools or equipment that assist in manual handling and positioning. Advantages:
Automatic Hose Roller | Reduces pushing and pulling forces, and repetitive motions |
Description: A machine that coils long hoses. Advantages:
Hose, Cord, and Cable Management Systems | Reduce pulling forces |
Description: Reels that coil hoses and cords and store them out of the way. Advantages:
Turning and Rotating Devices | BEFORE AFTER Reduce forceful exertions |
Description: Turntables and rotating tabletops that allow objects to be easily turned, rotated, and positioned. Advantages:
Racks and Shelves | Reduce manual material handling |
Description: Devices to stage, move, or store materials, tools, or equipment. Advantages:
Material Positioners | BEFORE AFTER Reduce awkward body postures |
Description: Devices that position and support material at an appropriate level. Advantages:
Moving Welding Units | BEFORE AFTER Reduce lifting forces |
Description: A welding unit with an attached fixture/handle. Advantages:
Large Hose Reel | Reduces lifting and pulling forces |
Description: Device that provides a mechanical advantage in coiling long hoses. Advantages:
Synthetic Line | BEFORE AFTER Reduces lifting and pulling forces |
Description: Lightweight synthetic lines. Advantages:
Tractor and Trailer | BEFORE AFTER Reduce manual material handling |
Description: Devices used to move multiple units to and from the ship. Advantages:
Stack Blower on Wheels | BEFORE AFTER Reduces lifting, pushing, and pulling forces |
Description: A custom modification that adds wheels and a handle to a conventional stack blower. Advantage:
Tool Extension Handles | BEFORE AFTER Reduce awkward body postures |
Description: Long extension handles for hand tools. Advantages:
Power Tools | Reduce hand and arm fatigue |
Description: Tools constructed with durable, light-weight materials. Advantages:
Low Vibration Tools | Reduce hand and arm vibration |
Description: Tools specifically designed to reduce vibration. Advantage:
Tool Balancers | Reduce muscle fatigue |
Description: Portable devices used to support and position tools. Advantages:
Robotic Welders | Reduce awkward postures and repetitive motions |
Description: Robotic technology applied to welding machines. Advantages:
Electromagnetic and Air Presses | BEFORE AFTER Reduce forceful exertions |
Description: Portable electromagnetic and air presses that hold parts in place during welding operations. Advantages:
Support Bar | Reduces static exertions and awkward postures |
Description: A metal bar placed vertically under a long piece of steel for support as it passes through a machine. Advantages:
Dry Dock Centering Device | Reduces pulling forces |
Description: Mechanized reel system that pulls ships into position in dry dock. Advantage:
Lighter-Weight Blowers | Reduce lifting forces |
Description: Lighter-weight blowers used to move air in small spaces. Advantages:
Stools and Creepers | BEFORE AFTER Reduce awkward postures |
Description: Portable seats that allow the employee to be seated while working. Advantages:
Gas Line Connector Rack | Reduces material handling |
Description: A device that allows gas lines to be connected to one central location. Advantages:
Davit Cranes | Reduce manual lifting and handling |
Description: Devices mounted to dry docks to move heavy items onto or off of vessels. Advantage:
Block Lifting Device | BEFORE AFTER Reduces manual handling |
Description: A hook-like device that allows wood blocks to be lifted by a crane or forklift. Advantage:
Anti-vibration Gloves | Reduce hand-arm vibration |
Description: Gloves with anti-vibration properties. Advantage:
Elbow Pads | Reduce contact stress |
Description: Pads to protect the elbow from contact stress. Advantage:
Shoulder Pads | |
Description: Pads that protect the shoulder when carrying objects on the shoulder. Advantage:
Kneeling Supports | BEFORE AFTER |
Description: Support devices that distribute weight and reduce knee strains. Advantage:
Kneepads | BEFORE AFTER Reduce contact stress |
Description: Pads worn to protect the knee when kneeling on a hard surface. Advantage:
Taken from